Daily Announcements
Students are provided with daily announcements at the start of each day.
As a reminder, BELLA will be held in the media center and students must sign up on the Student Start Page https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScT-25o7ZuI2IiRw1WsGCbOp8Ci9wEvs6Ba-AtuxglU6NysiQ/viewform
The late bus is available on T/W/Th. Please sign up with the link below:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwJIOh1Qj7q47A9dJRJV0BtdDU9l0ElXnGldAfiBC2JrwvZw/viewform The late bus will pick up 2:50pm. Please be outside waiting at 2:45pm to ensure you do not miss the bus.
Volunteers Needed! Help at the W.L. Callahan School Showcase on Monday Night!
The W.L. Callahan School is having a showcase event this coming Monday, March 31 from 4-7 p.m. Volunteers will be stationed at a location and help stamp bingo cards for families as they tour the school. All students who need community service hours and volunteer can stop by the WLC main office to get a community service certificate/letter from WLC Principal Brissette.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email WLC teacher Mrs. Costa by this Friday: costab@bsd-ri.net.
The Italian Club will meet on Monday, April 7th right after school in Mr. Palazzo's room. Please join us as we explore the Italian region of Lazio and learn all about Rome, (its capital) and the connection that the region has to Rhode Island. Come hungry since tasty food will be served as usual! Hope to see you there!